Dense Descriptors for Images and Surfaces
SID - CVPR 2008/ TR 2012 Link |
SI-HKS - CVPR 2010 |
ISC - CVPR 2012 (includes SI-HKS) |
Brief description:
SID (Scale-Invariant Descriptor) is a densely computable, scale- and rotation- invariant descriptor. We use a log-polar grid around every point to turn rotation/scalings into translation, and then use the Fourier Transform Modulus to achieve invariance.
SI-HKS (Scale-Invariant Heat Kernel Signatures) extract scale-invariant shape signatures by exploiting the fact that surface scaling amounts to multiplication and scaling of a properly sampled HKS descriptor. We apply the FTM trick on HKS to achieve invariance to scale changes.
ISC (Intrinsic Shape Context) constructs a net-like grid around every surface point by shooting outwards and tracking geodesics. This allows us to build a meta-descriptor on top of HKS/SI-HKS that takes neighborhood into account, while being invariant to surface isometries.
Relevant publications (please cite if you use the related code):
E. Trulls, I. Kokkinos, A. Sanfeliu, and F. Moreno
Dense Segmentation-Aware Descriptors
IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2013.
I. Kokkinos, M. Bronstein, R. Littman and A. Bronstein
Intrinsic Shape Context Descriptors for Deformable Shapes
IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2012.
I. Kokkinos, M. Bronstein and A. Yuille
Dense Scale-Invariant Descriptors for Images and Surfaces
Technical report 2012
M. Bronstein and I. Kokkinos,
Scale-invariant heat kernel signatures for non-rigid shape recognition,
IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2010.
I. Kokkinos and A. Yuille,
Scale Invariance without Scale Selection,
IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2008.
These projects have been partially supported by Agence Nationale de Recherche (ANR) under Grant ANR-10-JCJC-0205.